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Supply voltage in a sentence

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Sentence count:64Posted:2018-09-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: voltagepeak voltagevoltage drophigh voltagehigh-voltagevoltage ratingforward voltagevoltage divider
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1. The full supply voltage is applied to the winding and the current is rapidly boosted to slightly above rated.
2. The current is now opposed by the supply voltage and is rapidly forced to zero.
3. A large supply voltage and phase resistance are only required when the motor is operating at high speeds.
4. How can the supply voltage and consequently the phase current - be increased during acceleration or deceleration?
5. Built - in amplifier, supply voltage DC 12 to 24 V. To Contol output directly.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. The low supply current and the low supply voltage makes these parts ideal for battery - powered applications.
7. Note: Special requirement on the supply voltage may be noted when ordering.
8. The power supply voltage line includes an edge part formed in an obtuse angle .
9. Voltage sag is that the root-mean-square value of supply voltage drops suddenly inthe short time.
10. It depends on the tube type, the power supply voltage, the reflected impedance, and the required operating point.
11. Rated voltage of the electromagnetic brake is 205V(DC). Supply voltage of the rectifier si 220v(AC).
12. The equipment used in supply voltage must be the product of the supply voltage line nameplate.
13. About the supply voltage, frequency, capacity factor of the fan and motor, specification of coil pipe, kinds of humidifier, form and efficiency of air filter, caliber and direction of pipe and etc.
14. This paper introduces a supply voltage band - gap reference circuit which used a self - bias cascode current mirror.
15. The first pull-up resistance unit supplies a supply voltage to the first node, thereby determining an initial pull-up code or a voltage level on the first node.
16. Voltage regulation is not required for IC2 either because its timing is largely independent of the supply voltage.
17. On test with no load the divider chip consumed only 19mA at a supply voltage of 1.8V.
18. During these freewheeling intervals the effective phase voltage is equal to the d.c. supply voltage.
19. The clocking circuit configured to provide the pull-up current to an internal node in response to a clock signal having the input supply voltage and the ground voltage.
20. The design of negative sequence protection is mainly introduced with seriously unbalanced power supply voltage fault, open phase fault and two-phase short circuit fault.
21. Features: Low VCE ( sat ) , High performance at low supply voltage.
22. At the same instant, Q3 sources current into R4 through D1, thereby pulling the voltage on R4 to a diode drop below the supply voltage.
23. During signal conditions, the output swings above and below the supply voltage.
24. The output characteristics also make the AD590 easy to multiplex: the current can be switched by a CMOS multiplexer or the supply voltage can be switched by a logic gate output.
25. Attention shall be paid to whether the rated value of local supply voltage is accordant to that of "XINYAN" charger or not during traveling.
26. Change over from normal to emergency mode shall occur at not less than 0.6 times rated supply voltage, It shall not occur at greater than 0.85 times rated supply voltage.
27. Three-phase isolation transformer has been widely used in AC 50-60HZ 500V three-phase power supply voltage does not exceed the occasion.
28. The generator may be made independent of temperature and supply voltage if the detector is clamped with matched zener diodes as shown in Figure 28.
29. New FET-input amplifiers, like the AD820 family of amplifiers, incorporate design improvements that prevent output voltage phase reversal for signals within the rated supply voltage range.
30. Therefore, how to improve power quality and to provide a stable supply voltage become more important.
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